Realization of a research and development project (pre-commercial procurement) on “cloud for europe”
17 May 2018: Appointment of the Verification Committee Phase II (Formal decision Agid 161/2018)
15 June 2017: Mid term delivery Phase II
14 April 2017: Formal approval of the award rankings Phase II, Lot 1, 2 and 3 (Formal decision Agid 100/2017; Formal decision Agid 101/2017)
07 April 2017: Administrative Committee of the Cloud for Europe tender - provisional awarding Phase II lot 2 (Minutes)
30 March 2017: Administrative Committee of the Cloud for Europe tender - provisional awarding Phase II lot 1 and 3 (Minutes)
23 December 2016: Public session for the opening of the Technical offer, starting at 12:00 starting at 12.00 CEST in AgID premises in Rome
22 December 2016: Public session for the opening of the offers Phase II, check of the administrative documentation
30 November 2016: Invitation to the contractors to submit a proposal for phase II (Formal decision Agid 339/2016) - Deadline for the submission of the offers: Thursday, 22 of December 2016 at 12.00.
02 November 2016: End of verification of the delivered results
02 October 2016: Delivery of the results related to phase I
02 August 2016: Start of the execution Phase I, Lot 1,2 and 3
30 March 2016: Authorization to sign Framework contracts Lot 1, 2 and 3 (Formal decision Agid 71/2016)
7 August 2015: Formal approval of the award rankings, Lot 1, 2 and 3 (Formal decision Agid 66/2015)
23 July 2015: The Administrative Committee of the Cloud for Europe PCP tender will communicate the results of the technical evaluation related to Lot 1 (federated certified service brokerage) of the tender on Friday, 24 July 2015 starting at 11.00 CEST in AgID premises in Rome. In the same session, the Administrative Committee will open the envelopes containing the financial offers and read the prices offered by each tenderer.
13/07/2015 The Administrative Committee of the Cloud for Europe PCP tender will communicate the results of the technical evaluation related to Lot 2 (secure legislation-aware storage) and Lot 3 (legislation execution) of the tender on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 starting at 10.30 CET in AgID premises in Rome. In the same session, the Administrative Committee will open the envelopes containing the financial offers and read the prices offered by each tenderer.
17/04/2015 Minutes of the administrative committee published: opening session
The completion of the opening session will take place on Friday, 27 March 2015 in the Agency for Digital Italy in Rome (Viale Liszt 21, 00144 Rome) at 10:30 CET.
The Cloud for Europe PCP tender opening session will take place on Tuesday, 24 March in the Agency for Digital Italy in Rome (Viale Liszt 21, 00144 Rome). The public opening will start with Lot 3 at 11:00 CET, followed by Lot 2 not before 12:00 CET, and Lot 1 not before 15:00 CET.
10/03/2015 In order to give all potential Tenderers proper time to take into account the answers to the requests for clarification, the originally foreseen date and time limit for the receipt of the offers is extended to Monday, 16th of March 2015 at 10:30 CET. Annex I Tender regulation v1.1 of 21.03.2015 is amended accordingly. A notice for additional information and corrigendum of the Tender documentation is going to be officially published on TED.
05/03/2015 Responses to queries and clarifications published id 20-29
04/03/2015 Responses to queries and clarifications published id 1-19
23/02/2015 Attention: Amended Tender documents published. Check you are using release v.1.1 21.02.2015 of the following documents:
Tender Regulation, Annex I to the Contract Notice, v.1.1 21.02.2015
- Framework Agreement Draft, Annex II to the Contract Notice, v.1.1 21.02.2015
- Template for Technical Offer, Annex III to the Contract Notice, v.1.1 21.02.2015
17/02/2015 Attention: deadline for requests for clarification extended, deadline for the receipt of tenders extended.
12/02/2015 Attention: A notice for additional information and corrigendum of the Tender documentation is going to be officially published. In application of the principle of equal treatment and on the objective of competitive procurement, the originally foreseen deadlines will be extended, according to the official notification. Responses to the submitted requests for clarification will be published according to the notice for additional information and corrigendum of the Tender documentation.
Contract notice 2014/S 241-424518
- Object of the tender: research and development services
- Value of the tender: EUR 4.000.000
- The tender involves the establishment of a framework agreement
- Duration of the tender: 18 months
- Publication date: 13/12/2014
- Time limit for requests for clarification: 06/02/2015 23:59 re-opened and extended to 26/02/2015 23:59
- Time limit for receipt of tenders: 20/02/2015 15:30 extended to Monday, 16th of March 2015 at 10:30 CET. Opening times for receipts of tenders: 8.30 to 16.00 Monday to Friday, 8:30-10:30 Monday 16th of March 2015
- Date of the public session for the opening of parcels: 16/03/2015 11:00 Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale - Rome
- Email: (link sends e-mail)
- Fax : +39.(0)6.85264.372
Useful background documentation (link is external) delivered by Cloud for Europe Project (NOT PART OF THE OFFICIAL TENDER DOCUMENTATION)