Open Data

AgID is the national competence centre for Open Data, in line with the Government's Open Government policy.

The Agency pursues policies aimed at promoting the culture of data exploitation and reuse in the Public Administration. 





The valorization of public information assets is a strategic objective for public administrations. To unlock the potential of the immense heritage of data collected and managed by public administrations, it is necessary to consider them as a common good that can be shared for free.

  1. Open Data definition

    The Digital Administration Code (CAD) defines the characteristic of open data: in short, they must be data available to everyone, accessible through digital technologies and free of charge.

  2. Three-Year Plan

    AgID pursues strategic objectives regarding the use of open data as defined in the Three-year Plan for Information Technology in public administration.

  3. Guideline on Open Data

    The document aims to support public administrations in the process of opening up data and reusing public sector information. It provides guidance on formats, publication methods, metadata profiles, licences and pricing, reuse requests and search tools, as well as recommendations on organisational aspects and data quality.


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All public administration open data can be consulted on the dedicated site with a simple navigation by thematic categories.

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The National Directory of Spatial Data provides the national catalogue of metadata on spatial data and related services provided by public administrations.



bln, mln, k
miliardi, milioni, migliaia



Number of published records, updated 29 February 2024

Dataset classification


Number of records classified as government and public sector

Origin of dataset


Number of records from national administrations

You can view the full monitoring data on the Digital Progress portal.

Documents and regulations

Documents and regulations