Platforms and technologies

Tools, services, platforms and infrastructure that enable citizens, businesses and public administrations to access and use online services securely, ensuring a better digital experience for all.

Digital Identification Systems

Platforms, legislations and technologies that enable secure identification of citizens and grant them access to public services.

Digital identification systems

It is an online identification tool that enables the use of public administration services.

Electronic Identity Card

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It is the only physical and digital identity certified by the Italian state and allows access to online services of public administrations in Italy and EU countries.

Technologies for all

The set of tools available to citizens and businesses to navigate easily and securely online.

Technologies for all

PagoPA payment system

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This is the first digital platform that enables quick and easy payments to the Public Administration.

Systems for public administrations

Digital platforms and technologies that enable public administrations to optimise their activities and promote transparency and innovation.

Systems for public administrations

The Anagrafe Nazionale della Popolazione Residente (National Register of Resident Population) is the national database in which the municipal registers have been merged. It allows citizens to request various civil registry documents directly online and allows municipalities to have a single, digital, protected and more efficient database.

Developers Italia

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This is the community of AgID and the Department for Digital Transformation that brings together developers, professionals and citizens to collaborate and contribute to improving the digital services offered by public administrations. It includes useful resources and ready-to-use materials.

Designers Italia

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It is the reference point for the design of Public Administration digital services. Created by AgID and the Department for Digital Transformation, it provides designers, developers and professionals with kits and tools to create simple, accessible and inclusive services.​