Defining strategies

Based on Italian and European regulatory references, AgID’s role is to define a strategic direction that will operationally support the country’s digital transformation and become a reference point for administrations, citizens and businesses.

Documents and regulations

PDF | 2,8 MB | 06/14/2024



Digital Identity for all

Digital Identity for all

Digital Identity is an integral part of the process of ensuring the active participation of all citizens in their relations with the Public Administration. For this reason, AgID guarantees a single, safe and secure access to digital services through the Public Digital Identity System.


The actions:

Facilitate access to digital services for all.

Manage the evolution of the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) into the IT Wallet, the digital wallet that collects the documents of each citizen.

Improving accessibility and inclusiveness

Improving accessibility and inclusiveness

Improving the quality and inclusiveness of digital public services is a prerequisite for increasing their use by citizens, businesses and public administrations. For AgID, this is not only a legal obligation, but an indispensable objective for progress.



Involving citizens by providing a feedback mechanism through which they can report accessibility issues.

Establishing Guidelines on accessibility for the platforms and services offered, verify their implementation by administrations and monitor their evolution over time.

Tackling the digital divide and promoting a greater digital culture at all levels of society.

Providing equal opportunities for everyone to participate in the digital and technological society.

Open data as a common good

Open data as a common good

To meet the new challenges of the data-driven economy and to ensure value-added digital services for citizens and businesses, AgID enhances information assets and promotes transparency in Public Administration.



Making information assets available in an open and interoperable way.

Designing public services so that they can be used in an integrated and seamless way.

Improving databases of national interest, a fundamental asset for public administrations, and improving the quality of data and metadata.

Aware, informed citizens

Aware, informed citizens

AgID promotes the spread of digital literacy among citizens, businesses and public administrations. Indeed, increasing digital skills and reducing the digital divide have a significant impact on the speed at which the country’s services are disseminated.



Promoting the spread of digital skills among citizens, public administrations and businesses.

Working with innovative SMEs and start-ups.

Providing access to training tools.

Useful resources

Useful resources