AgID participates in the coordination activities carried out by the European Policies Department, providing technical-regulatory contributions in the areas of its expertise.
Proposal for a Regulation concerning the modification of the entry/exit system (so-called Migration Compact) to register enter and exit data of third-country nationals crossing EU borders;
eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 communication, which establishes a number of basic principles to be respected by public administrations;
Proposal for a directive on the Geo-blocking phenomenon, aimed at preventing forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market;
Proposal for a directive on certain aspects of digital content supply contracts, aimed at regulating aspects of contracts for the supply of digital content in the internal market;
Proposal for a directive on market accessibility to goods and services for the disabled, aimed at fostering fairer access to the market for products and services;
Public consultation on the Single Digital Gateway, which is meant to be a European access point where citizens can find information on how to work, travel, live and study in another European country;
Participation in the government position on the consultation on the European Pillar of Social Rights, launched by the European Commission.