Digital Healthcare System refers to all the interventions undertaken by central, regional and local Administrations to promote digital innovation of healthcare processes.
The Strategy for digital growth and the Three-year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration have defined the interventions dedicated to the digital healthcare ecosystem and the main solutions aimed at improving healthcare services, limiting waste and inefficiencies, improving the cost-quality ratio of healthcare services and reducing the differences among regions.
Healthcare Ecosystem
The Three-Year Plan for ICT in the Public Administration highlights three projects in this field:
- Electronic Health File (Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico - FSE), as an example of an enabling infrastructure;
- Single booking center (Centro unico di prenotazione - CUP), as an example of simplification of the interaction between the Public Administration and the citizen;
- Telemedicine, as an example of connection with the territory.
Electronic health file (EHF)
This tool allows citizens to track, consult and share their health history. According to the national law, EHF infrastructure manages all healthcare and socio-healthcare digital data and documents generated by present and past clinical events concerning the patient. For further information, please consult the website
Single booking centre (SBC)
This is the centralised IT system for the unified booking of services, to facilitate access to healthcare and reduce waiting times. For further details, please consult the National Guidelines.
This project offers services to improve the availability of treatment, diagnostic services and remote medical consultancy, in addition to constant monitoring of vital parameters. For further details, please consult the National Guidelines.
Health Card
The Health Card (Tessera sanitaria - TS) enables access to health services provided by the NHS - National Health System throughout the country. It is both an health insurance card and a tax code that allows citizens to receive medical treatments in EU countries. For further information, please consult the website of the TS System.
Dematerialisation of medical reports and medical records
The dematerialisation of medical reports and medical records is a process that aims at creating a flow of digital documents with full legal value that will lead to replace their paper-based equivalent in order to improve services to citizens. In this context the "Guidelines for the Dematerialisation of Informed Consent in Diagnostic Imaging" have been drafted, in collaboration with the Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM).