The Agency will participate, with its own exhibition space, at Forum PA, the event that brings together citizens, businesses and Public Administrations, scheduled from 21 to 23 May at Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome.
This year's edition, entitled “Per una PA a colori. Persone e organizzazioni nella rivoluzione dell'IA", will focus in particular on the impact that Artificial Intelligence is having and will have on Public Administration. Talks, seminars, presentations and workshops also dedicated to the topics of skills, digital transformation and innovation are scheduled throughout the event.
AgID's stand area
During the three-day event, AgID has organised a series of meetings that will be held at its dedicated exhibition space (stand 9C): employees and experts from the Agency will present the various projects they are working on, from the Three-Year Plan to artificial intelligence, from open data to strategic tenders and cybersecurity. There will also be space to present the state of progress of the PNRR measures for which AgID is the implementing party. The topic of remote working will be discussed.
At the stand, AgID staff will be available to visitors to provide information and clarification on digital transition and technological innovation projects, as well as to receive comments, suggestions and proposals.
The Director General's interventions
The Director General of the Agency, Mario Nobile, will speak at several panels and sessions, including the panel “Si scrive AI, si legge alto impatto”, the talk “AI e visione di lungo periodo nel Governo post-Digitale. Gli esercizi di futuro messi in campo dal Dipartimento del Tesoro”, the seminar “PA di Tutti PA per Tutti: Inclusione Digitale per l’accesso ai servizi al cittadino” and the scenario events “Sfruttare il potenziale dei dati pubblici per guidare e governare gli algoritmi” and “La governance dell’intelligenza artificiale: approcci e modelli a confronto”.
Furthermore, employees and managers of the Agency will participate in the following events: “La PA verso una nuova data governance, tra interoperabilità e rilancio delle strategie nazionali sugli Open Data”, “Intelligenza artificiale e gestione delle persone. Il prossimo futuro dell’HR”, “IT Wallet, un’innovazione a misura di persona per l’accesso a servizi pubblici e privati e “I servizi pubblici digitali per potenziare il mercato unico europeo: lo sportello unico digitale “Your Europe” e il Sistema Tecnico Once Only – OOTS;
More information and registration details are available on the event's official website: