Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri

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AgID is looking for 4 super senior experts for the “Electronic Health Record” project


The selected candidates will have an individual assignment, with a 36-month self-employment contract. Applications must be submitted online, via inPA, by 26 June 2024. 

The Agency for Digital Italy is searching for 4 experts for the implementation of the “Electronic Health Record” through a comparative procedure: a project manager, an information law expert and two organisational analysts. 


How to apply 


Candidates may view the comparative procedure, complete with the specifications and details of the individual profiles, published in the Transparent Administration section of AgID's institutional website (under “Bandi di concorso”) or directly through the inPA Recruitment Portal: it is possible to submit one's application by 26 June 2024. 


On the basis of the evaluation criteria indicated in disciplinary regulations, the Agency will invite to the job interview a number equal to at least four times the number of figures requested and in any case a number such as to ensure gender parity. 


At the end of the assessment procedure, a merit ranking will be done, approved by a Director's provision and published on the Agency's institutional website, Transparent Administration section.