News • 01/29/2025

Italy has reinforced its overall positive assessment of open data maturity, further improving its score in the European Annual Report 2024. In fact, the country's overall maturity index has improved by 1.4% compared to last year. This corresponds to a score of 93.8%, well above the European average of 79.7% (83.20% if only Member States are considered). Italy is thus one of the "trend-setting" countries, anticipating and leading open data trends.


The 2024 Open Data Maturity report, now in its tenth edition, tracks the progress made by 34 European countries (27 Member States, 3 EFTA countries and 4 candidate countries) in promoting the publication and re-use of open data. It identifies areas for improvement and also provides an overview of good practices that could serve as examples for other national and local contexts.


The evaluation is based on a questionnaire submitted to country representatives (AgID for Italy), covering four thematic dimensions intended to address the open data value chain: policy, portal, quality and impact.


Italy's performance is above the European average in all four dimensions measured, with significant results in the policy dimension. With a score of 100%, this dimension confirms the country's commitment to defining open data policies and strategies (including the Open Data Guidelines, the  Three-Year Plan for IT in Public Administration, and the operational Guide on high-value data) in line with those outlined at European level.


In addition, the site ranks first among the Member States' portals according to the results on the quality of metadata published on the European portal More than 80% of the metadata published on the European portal and classified as 'excellent' comes from the Italian portal. Overall, more than 95% of the metadata on is at the "good" level.


For more details, you can consult the Italian factsheet.