Events • 05/10/2024

On 16-17 May, the Agency for Digital Italy will attend Accessibility Days, Italy's largest event on accessibility and digital inclusion.


The event is being held in conjunction with Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), an annual global event to raise awareness of digital inclusion and promote the accessibility of products, services and information that can be used by all people without discrimination.


Presentations by AgID, the Department for Digital Transformation and Designers Italia


On Thursday 16 May, the Director General of AgID, Mario Nobile, will speak at the opening of the event. During the course of the day, two other events will also be held involving the Department for Digital Transformation and Designers Italia.


The first appointment is dedicated to The National Initiatives for Accessibility: in collaboration with the Department (DTD) and the National Research Council (CNR), there will be an overview of the state-of-the-art on resources to improve the accessibility of websites, digital services and apps of public administrations. The meeting will also include a presentation of the progress of the actions for monitoring, training and dissemination of the culture of accessibility at national level, as well as of the support activities for 55 local public administrations planned in the framework of the NRP action 1.4.2 "Inclusion of citizens: improving the accessibility of digital public services".


The second event is titled "Un dialogo sugli strumenti nazionali per migliorare l’esperienza di siti web e servizi digitali": ” and will be an opportunity to discuss with experts from AgID, DTD and CNR about the possible evolutions of some tools designed to improve the country's digital accessibility. Among these tools: MAUVE++, the open source system for automatic monitoring of the accessibility of websites and apps; Web Analytics Italia, the platform with real-time data and statistics on public administration websites; Design system .italia the free set of resources for creating quality, accessible and inclusive public digital websites and services.


How to participate


It will be possible to attend the events live, at the Marco Polo building of the University of Rome 'La Sapienza', or via streaming. More information can be found on the organisation's official website.