At you can find the updated data on the automatic monitoring carried out by AgID on the accessibility of PA websites, PDF documents and applications.
In the September-December quarter of 2024, more than 4.7 million web pages, 29,409 sites, and 780,152 PDF files were analysed. The monitoring, carried out in cooperation with the National Research Council, thanks to the automated system MAUVE++ - Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment - allows the identification of the 20 most frequent errors, thus enabling the Agency to implement training activities aimed at reducing these errors.
The three most common errors on the pages are:
- 2.4.7 Visible focus (i.e. lack of visual focus indicator when users navigate with the keyboard instead of the mouse);
- 1.4.1 Use of colour (the presence of information conveyed exclusively through colour);
- 1.4.3 Low contrast (the presence of text with an insufficient level of colour contrast in relation to the background).
These results highlight the need for targeted actions to improve the accessibility of public administration sites in order to effectively respond to the needs of all people and to create more inclusive digital services.
Increasing number of accessibility Declarations
According to the newly available data, 65,681 declarations of accessibility related to websites are online. The number of organisations that published at least one accessibility goal in 2024 is also on the rise, reaching 12,133 compared to 11,573 in 2023.
AgID recalls that by 31 March, public administrations must publish their accessibility targets for the current year and the report on the implementation of the remote working plan (Decree-Law No. 179/2012). In addition, by 23 September, public administrations must complete an in-depth analysis of their websites and applications and prepare the Accessibility Declaration, including information on how citizens can report any problems they encounter while browsing.