This section presents the Guidelines issued by AgID that set out rules and standards for the implementation of the digital agenda, the digitisation of public administration, IT security, interoperability and application cooperation between public and EU IT systems.
The Accessibility Guidelines for IT tools, as per Article 11 of Law 4/2004, define the technical requirements for the accessibility of IT tools (including websites and mobile applications). They also establish the technical approaches for verifying accessibility, the model of the accessibility declaration, and the methodology for monitoring and evaluating the conformity of IT tools with accessibility requirements.
Decree Law 76/2020 then extended certain obligations, already specified in Law 4/2004 for public administrations, to entities that offer services to the public through websites or mobile applications with an average revenue, in the last three years of activity, of more than five hundred million euro.
Open data
Open data
The Guidelines aim to support public administrations and other stakeholders in their efforts to open up data and re-use public sector information.
The Guidelines on Spatial Data lay down the technical rules for the definition and updating of the content of the National Directory of Spatial Data, in compliance with paragraph 5 Article 59 of the CAD. They also define the operating procedures for public administrations to access, communicate and populate the Directory, in coherence with directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE) and the relative transposition regulation (Legislative Decree 32/2010), and with Regulation (EC) no. 1205/2008 of the European Commission of 3 December 2008.
Design Guidelines
Design Guidelines
The Guidelines are intended to define and guide the design and implementation of websites and digital services provided by public administrations. The Department for Digital Transformation and AgID make available at a set of indications and operational tools to guide the design, development and maintenance of websites and digital services with the aim of providing support for the implementation of these guidelines.
Electronic document
Electronic document
The Guidelines represent the new updated version of the technical rules on document formation, protocol, management and storage, previously regulated in the Decrees of 2013 and 2014. The general objective of the document is to simplify the overall management of computerised documents through an overview that aggregates subjects that were previously regulated separately.
Certified e-mail Digital Domicile
National Index of Digital Domiciles (INAD) and Index of Digital Domiciles of Public Administrations and Public Service Providers (IPA)
The Guidelines define the operational procedures for managing the National Digital Domicile Index of natural persons, professionals and other private law entities not required to be registered in professional registers.
The IPA Guidelines, on the other hand, define the Index of Digital Domiciles of Public Administrations and Public Service Providers (IPA) and the rules to be followed by entities that are required to publish their references.
Certified e-mail Digital Domicile
AgID è impegnata, sia a livello nazionale che europeo, in una serie di attività di regolazione, disegno e sviluppo, per la messa a punto dell'infrastruttura digitale a supporto della trasformazione digitale degli acquisti pubblici. In particolare coordina le attività finalizzate all’adozione dell’e-procurement nel settore pubblico e definisce le regole tecniche e le modalità per la certificazione delle piattaforme di approvvigionamento digitale descritte nello Schema Operativo secondo il nuovo Codice dei contratti pubblici. Le Regole tecniche, e tutti i documenti pubblicati e correlati ad esse, rappresentano l’esito di un processo di consultazione permanente del mercato avviato da AgID con un approccio aperto, "open innovation", con tutti i soggetti facenti parte, a vario titolo, dell’ecosistema dell’e-procurement italiano.
The Guidelines identify the technologies and standards that public administrations must take into account when setting up their IT systems, in order to enable coordination of information and data between central, regional and local administrations, as well as with EU systems, public service providers and private entities.
Document marking
Document marking
The Guidelines provide the necessary information to enable the application of the standards for XML markup of regulatory acts and their unambiguous identification by URIs, in accordance with the updated versions of the national standards published in the AIPA1 circulars of 6 November 2001, no. 35 "Uniform naming of legal documents" and n. 40 of 22 April 2002 "Format for the electronic representation of regulatory measures through the XML markup language". These standards are commonly referred to as "Normeinrete standards" or "NIR standards", after the name of the project from which they originate.
Web-based access to public services
Web-based access to public services
The Guidelines on the Web Access Point to Public Services referred to in Article 64-bis of the CAD define the technical and organisational requirements for the implementation and management of the Telematic Access Point (PAT). This is the single portal through which citizens and businesses can access public services online.
Software Re-use
Software Re-use
The Guidelines on the Acquisition and Reuse of Software for public administrations orientate administrations in the decision-making process for purchasing software, sharing and reusing open source solutions.
The guidelines promote a cultural change towards a wider use of open source software by ensuring that any investment made by a PA is pooled with other administrations and by simplifying purchasing choices and investments in digital services.
Trust services
Trust services
The Guidelines contain implementing provisions of the eIDAS Regulation and indications aimed at further ensuring the interoperability and use of networked services in the Italian context with regard to the generation of qualified electronic certificates, qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic time stamps.
IT Security
IT Security
The Information Security Guidelines provide a set of indications for correctly addressing and resolving issues related to secure software development and, in general, basic software security, in order to identify the appropriate measures to defend each component from possible threats and to protect data from theft or compromise.
SPID - Public Digital Identity System
SPID - Public Digital Identity System
The SPID Guidelines define the rules and procedures for the release and use of the Public Digital Identity System (SPID). These technical documents are fundamental to ensuring the security, reliability and interoperability of the SPID system.