The initiative is open to public-private consortia with non-profit organizations as main partners; the deadline for applications is April 30, 2024
The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) has announced a 2 million euros grant for the establishment of a Digital Hub in the province of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique.
This initiative, co-promoted by AICS in collaboration with AgID to support Mozambique's "Strategic Plan for the Information Society 2019-2028 through technological centers of digital excellence" aims to identify a public-private consortiumresponsible for the development and management of the Digital Hub.
The Digital Hub focuses on providing digital training to young Mozambicans, promoting entrepreneurship, and encouraging the development of innovative digital services.
Who can participate
Applications for the grant can be submitted by consortia consisting of one or more Mozambican public institutions, one or more international public or private institutions with experience in development cooperation projects, ICT education/training, digital startup development in the digital sector, technology hub management, and one or more organizations representing the private sector or businesses in Mozambique's digital ecosystem.
The deadline for applications is April 30, 2024. The 2 million euros funding will be provided in the form of a donation, so consortia applying must have non-profit entities as their lead partners.
VaMoz Digital project
At the same time, AICS has issued an additional call for proposals under the "VaMoz Digital" project, with a total value of 5 million euros through European funds. The initiative involves the creation and development of two Digital Hubs in the central and northern regions of the country (with specific locations proposed by the applicant consortia themselves).
To read the detailed calls, view preliminary consultations, download materials related to the initiative and consult the list of entities that have joined the "Facciamo squadra" tool, please visit the diary page on the Appalti Innovativi platform managed by AgID.