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CEF ESPD Project

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ESPD Interoperability and Diffusion (action No. 2016-IT-IA-0038) is the project funded by the European Commission for the implementation of the Single European Competition Document (DGUE) in electronic format in the national ecosystem of electronic public procurement (e- procurement).

AgID coordinates a grouping of Italian public institutions, ANAC, Consip, Intercent-ER, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Unioncamere, which was awarded with the CEF Telecom call - eProcurement (CEF-TC-2016-1) the realization of the project.

The electronic DGUE consists of a self-declaration model, developed on the basis of a European standard, with which the economic operator self-certifies the possession of the requirements for participation in tenders. The adoption of the electronic DGUE aims to reduce the documentary and economic burden on the subjects participating in the tender procedures, and to simplify the verification procedures by the contracting authorities.

The expected results of the action are:

  • updating of the SIMOG service managed by ANAC to allow contracting authorities to produce a DGUE that conforms to the data model defined by the European Commission;
  • updating of Consip and Intercent-ER e-procurement platforms, introducing new functionalities to manage the electronic DGUE exchange;
  • implementation of a free service to support Italian economic operators for the compilation of the DGUE;
  • definition of the Guidelines for the use of electronic DGUE within the national regulatory framework;

To ensure interoperability at European level, the consortium will test the implementation of the electronic DGUE towards solutions developed by other consortia (ESPDInt). Furthermore, the project will ensure full compliance with EU directives on public procurement (2014/25 / EU and 2014/24 / EU).

The procurement documents shall contain information on the specific electronic format of the DGUE, the address of the website where the service is available for compiling the DGUE and the modalities with which it is to be transmitted by the economic operator to the contracting authority.

The solution foresees the evolution of the e-procurement systems and platforms involved on the basis of the model that can be downloaded in the relevant section concerning the attached documentation.


Public consultation of the Technical Rules for the implementation of the Italian electronic ESPD

The Agency for Digital Italy has carried out a public consultation of the document concerning the Technical Rules for the implementation of the Italian electronic ESPD - ESPD-IT, whose definition is one of the main objectives of the CEF ESPD project.


Survey on ESPD

You are kindly invited to participate in this online survey that allows you to express your views on the electronic European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) introduced through the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/7 of 5 January 2016.

If you are using an ESPD service, as a supplier or a public sector entity, your participation is important, as this survey provides you with the opportunity to make an impact on its future development and improvements. 

The ESPD is a self-declaration of the businesses' financial status, abilities and suitability for a public procurement procedure. It is used as a preliminary evidence of fulfilment of the conditions required in public procurement procedures across the EU.

The ESPD survey is provided in English and in all the other official EU languages using automated translation. In case of any doubt, the English version should have prevalence over any translations. It is available at:

The ESPD survey will be open until September 15, 2019.  It is quite brief and should not take you more than a few minutes to complete it. 

Your contribution will be anonymous and will be gathered by the European Commission services.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.